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Sick to Death of KFC?

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Rats were discovered frolicking in the KFC on Sixth Avenue at W. Fourth Street in New York City months after the restaurant had already been cited by the health department for rats. Click here to see the video footage.
If you got violently ill from eating at a local KFC restaurant, you've come to the right place. KFCs all over the world are violating health codes left and right. If you're one of the many people who are literally sick and tired of KFC (and can prove you got sick as a result of eating at KFC), you may be able to join a possible lawsuit against the company. Please e-mail with all the details of your visit to KFC. We can't process your e-mail properly if you don't include your full name, age, address, e-mail address, phone number, date you visited KFC, date you got sick, how you got sick, and how you can show that it was KFC that made you sick—so please be sure to include ALL that information in your e-mail. Forward this site on to everyone you know, as they too may have gotten sick from KFC!

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● A KFC in Kansas City, Missouri, was shut down after authorities documented numerous health code violations, including raw chicken and other foods that were being held at 62°F in a nonfunctioning walk-in cooler.

● A Chesterton, Illinois, woman finds a bloody bandage in the bottom of her KFC baked beans. They offered to replace the beans with another helping, but naturally, she declined.

● One more breach of cleanliness to chalk up to KFC: Three workers in Redding, California, were photographed having a hot-tub party in a kitchen basin, and one of the bright young bathers decided to post the pictures on her MySpace page. KFC's excuse? No manager was on duty at the time. Apparently, when the cat's away, the mice take a bath in the sink. Kudos to these employees for reminding us why KFC’s parent company is called Yum! Brands ...

● Worms discovered in KFC sandwiches, click here to read more!

● In North Carolina, a man claims to have found a smear of human blood in his KFC sandwich. Click here to read more!

● A woman in Texas alleged that KFC served her a cockroach-filled sandwich. Click here to read more!

Click here to read the testimonials of former KFC employees, including one who often had to cook and serve rancid, green chicken and another who was told to serve chicken that had fallen on the floor and into the trash!

● MSNBC investigated fast-food restaurants for health code violations and found that “[t]he 100 KFCs we sampled tallied up 157 critical violations, and two thirds of the ‘finger lickin’ good’ restaurants had at least one critical violation.” Read the full story here.

● A KFC in Indiana was closed down for all of 2006 because the health department said it posed an "imminent health hazard" and was a "potential vector of food borne illness." Click here to read the article.

● There was a lawsuit filed against KFC after children in Colorado became sick from eating there. Click here to read more. This MSNBC article also mentions the case.

● A KFC in Knoxville, Tennessee, was recently found to have 42 problems (out of a possible 46 items on the inspection list), including toxic chemicals out of place, chicken cooked at a temperature not high enough to prevent people from getting sick, and dirty containers, work stations, counters, and cups, among other things. Here's a story about it.

One KFC in Northern Ireland was fined almost $20,000 for serving raw chicken!

● A KFC in Los Angeles County was temporarily closed down in June 2006 for "Vermin infestation." See the L.A. Department of Public Health's report.

● In Missouri, a KFC was documented as having mold on the soda dispensers, dirty towels in the prep area (everyone knows how dirty and germ-filled rags can get), and service items on the floor, among other violations. Here's a story about it.

● A poor inspection at one KFC in Davenport, Iowa, helped spawn an article with the headline "Trash Cans, Flies and Meat, Oh My!" when flies were found all over a back room. Here's a story about it.

This is a photo of a chicken from a Tyson slaughterhouse (one of KFC's largest suppliers). It's no surprise that people are getting sick from this stuff.

Remember, this is just a sampling of recent KFC violations throughout the United States. Any online search for the words "KFC" and "health code violation" will turn up loads more! Internationally, the situation isn't any better.


At a KFC in Coventry, U.K., a 13-year-old boy found a used needle and other drug paraphernalia sitting on a filthy toilet in the restroom. The boy's father alerted the manager, who reportedly took 10 minutes to respond to the issue.

A KFC in London was charged with 13 violations of food-hygiene regulations after an inspection uncovered trays of bread and raw chicken caked with black grease, trash bags leaking onto the floor, mold- and dirt-covered food preparation surfaces, and a 1-meter pool of dried blood on the floor, among other things.

Read here about the Sydney, Australia, girl who developed salmonella poisoning and suffered brain damage after eating a KFC chicken wrap.

Hasn't KFC learned that people don't want to eat garbage? Yet another KFC worker, this time in Hong Kong, has been shown packaging and selling chicken from the trash can.

So far, we've learned about a KFC in Belfast, Northern Ireland, that was fined almost £12,000 (U.S.$20,000) for serving raw chicken! Check out this BBC article about the whole fiasco. A KFC in Hereford, United Kingdom, pleaded guilty to having a filthy kitchen and dangerously slick floors! Read the full story here!

In China, KFC was accused of using the same frying oil for as long as 10 days, which some experts believe may cause cancer! Click here to get the full story.

Yet another KFC has been fined nearly £13,000 for selling raw chicken to a customer. In November 2005, at the KFC in Plymouth, a woman was sold battered “crispy strips” that were, according to the prosecutor, “flash fried only.” Gross! Read the full story here.

Another KFC in Wales, United Kingdom, was fined £24,000 (US$40,000) for poor hygiene, which health inspectors said included unsanitary practices such as failure on the part of the staff to wash their hands, handling raw and cooked chicken at the same time, and defrosting of chicken in a “filthy” sink! On top of this, inspectors found dirty, greasy floors, surfaces, equipment, and children’s tables “ingrained with food debris”! Click here to get the details.

A mother who took her family to the KFC at Redhill High Street in the UK cut her mouth and tongue on plastic discovered in KFC coleslaw, and her 20-month-old daughter nearly ate some as well! Get the full scoop here.

In China, KFC was using known carcinogens in its food and then an actual poisonous herb; the government told citizens, and KFC finally stopped. Read more about that incident. A KFC in Vietnam was recently found to have unchecked chicken. Chicken contaminated with unsafe levels of salmonella and E. coli were previously found at this same KFC! Click here to read the story about it. Cockroaches at a KFC in Rio Claro, Trinidad, prompted health inspectors to close the store; click here to read more.

It's no wonder that KFC continually violates health codes—it doesn't seem to care about anything! Department of Labor records show that KFCs all over the United States continually must pay settlements (sometimes more than $10,000) for violating labor laws, including CHILD labor laws! In New Zealand, KFC workers recently went on strike because of their disgustingly low wages. And it gets worse—check out this video narrated by Pamela Anderson showing all the awful ways that KFC abuses chickens, from cutting their beaks off to boiling them alive! KFC is a company that doesn't care about people's health, it doesn't care about its workers, and it certainly doesn't care about animals.

If you've gotten sick from eating at KFC, please e-mail to join in on a possible lawsuit taking KFC to task for making people everywhere sick. Please remember to forward this site on to everyone you know.

Posted by Haddy Haswyra Thursday, December 24, 2009 1 comments

Selama 2 Hari 1 Malam, Program Perkongsian Bijak Cemerlang (PBC) yang diadakan di Kompleks Tabung Haji Kelana Jaya berjalan dengan lancar dengan semangat dan iltizam yang menggunung tinggi demi memantapkan lagi ekonomi ummah.

Seramai 78 peserta hadir. Antara pemimpin yang hadir menyampaikan slot ialah PJS Mohd Nadzri Ahmad,PJS Noormah Zainol, PJS Ismail Othman, PJS Zanbli Abd Rashid, PJS Siti Habibah Yusof dan PJS Rosmandi Ishak.

Pengarah PBC ini adalah PJS Syed Ageel Syed Mahayadin. Turut hadir membantu PBC tersebut ialah PJS Muzlina, PJ Nailulmuna, PHJS Zainudin Abdul, PJ Rahmah Rahmat, PJ Ustaza Yusfee Yusof, PJ Ustaz Irwan dan PJ Shahril dari Sabah.

Turut membantu ialah Ustaz Tarmizi dan beberapa pemimpin sekitar Subang dan Tanjung Malim. PBC pada kali ini disertai oleh pelbagai golongan. Kebanyakannya adalah kakitangan awam yang berkhidmat di UPSI, guru-guru dan pejabat-pejabat kerajaan sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Hadir sama beberapa pelajar dari Kolej Insaniah, KUIS dan Universiti tempatan.

Diakhir program, para pemenang bagi kumpulan pembentang terbaik telah dimenangi oleh Kumpulan Minyak But-But (Tempat Pertama), Kumpulan Radix Kapsul (Tempat Kedua) dan Kumpulan Paramaria (Tempat Ketiga).

Bagi yang masih belum hadir ke PBC, sudi-sudikanlah hadir demi melahirkan usahawan yang berjaya dan secara tidak langsung menjadi pengguna barangan HALAL lagi baik dan penuh barakah.

Sumber : Blog PJM Ismail Othman

Posted by Haddy Haswyra Tuesday, December 22, 2009 0 comments

Situasi darah cair atau dalam kata lain aras HB kurang daripada 11 dan sudah tentulah ia berlaku kepada wanita mengandung.

Ini berlaku kepada isteri saya yang mengalami darah cair dibawah 11 iaitu 10.6 (tahap berjaga-jaga). Isteri saya disarankan mengambil ubat yang diberi oleh klinik dengan dos yang lebih banyak. Seperti yang anda ketahui, wanita mengandung selalunya berdepan dengan sembelit yang teruk disebabkan pengambilan ubat ferrous (zat besi). Dengan nasihat daripada pakar sinergi HPA, saya mula mengorak langkah menasihati isteri saya menggunakan produk HPA.

Saya dedahkan isteri saya dengan pengambilan produk HB dan juga produk Tuju Angin. Produk HB berfungsi sebagai herba tekanan darah rendah disamping pelbagai khasiat lain. Herba tuju angin pula berfungsi melawaskan pencernaan disamping merawat angin melampau didalam badan.

Alhamdulillah, selepas penggunaan selama dua minggu, selepas check darah di klinik terus tengok keputusan HB, angka menunjukkan 11 dan sudah pastilah itu tahap normal. Masalah sembelit pun dah takda langsung.

Memang benar, Herba HPA sangat mujarab dengan izin ALLAH. Yang penting kena yakin dengan produk yang kita gunakan.

Posted by Haddy Haswyra Monday, December 21, 2009 0 comments

Produk-produk herba yang dikeluarkan dari oleh HPA mempunyai keistimewaanya dibandingkan dengan herba-herba yang lain. Disini saya senaraikan 10 keistimewaannya iaitu:-

1. Ia adalah resepi yang telah dipeturunkan dari satu generasi kesatu generasi.
2. Pengalamannya dalam penyembuhan pelbagai jenis penyakit telah diakui
3. Mempunyai kaedah sinergi yang berkesan.
4. Herbanya datang dari penanaman organik atau herba hutan asli
5. Tidak mendatang kesan sampingan jika tersalah pengambilan
6. Produk yang banyak mengikut kesesuaian pesakit
7. Di bantu dengan gabungan alamiah dan ilahiah
8. Dwifungsi iaitu untuk perubatan dan penjagaan kesihatan
9. Herba-herba tempatan (hutan hujan Tropika)yang mengandungi khasiat ubatan yang tinggi
10. Murah dan sudah pasti halalnya.

Banyak lagi kelebihannya yang akan saya muatkan dalam blog yang akan datang InsyaAllah.
2010 - Menguasai Pasaran Herba Di dunia.

Sumber :

Posted by Haddy Haswyra 0 comments

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Tarikh : 26 - 27 Jun 2010
Tempat : Kompleks Tabung Haji Kelana Jaya
Yuran : RM 160/seorang

Daftarkan segara peserta anda. Maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi: Abdul Hadi di talian 019-5960282


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1) Penghantaran PERCUMA bagi kawasan TANJONG MALIM sahaja.
2) Luar kawasan Kuala Lumpur, tambah RM5.00 sebagai cas penghantaran.